Saturday, 29 November 2014

Come & Gone...

September & October have come & gone and November is almost on its way out. With these passing's many memories were made.

17th - Mike & I celebrated our 9th marriage anniversary. Some days I can't believe its been that long and other days I feel like I've known him my whole life. No matter what, I cannot imagine my future without him.

19th - We got to visit my cousin in Detroit. It was so awesome to finally have our kids playing together. The kids have asked to go back and play with them & she's told me her kids have asked about ours. I hope to have more play times soon!

28th - We went to Frootogo Farms & picked apples courtesy of Mike's work. The boys had a great time & we even got to go on a tractor ride. It wasn't a super long ride but it took us to the back pumpkin patch and you could pick as many as you wanted. We let the boys each pick one and then we got a free one with our work coupon.

16th - My mom flew in for the boys' birthday weekend. The boys had no idea she was going to come. When Mike & I went to the bus stop to pick them up, my mom hid behind us and as they came down the stairs we separated and showed them who was between us. J seemed a little thrown back by it and E gave her a hug then asked if Autie (Angelina) was waiting at the house & G didn't even pay attention (he was too busy waving to people on the bus) until we called his name and he finally saw her.

17th - Luckily they didn't throw too big of a fuss the next day & went to school with the promise that we were coming to bring cupcakes for them & their class. When we got there, the boys were wearing birthday crowns and had a birthday button and a bracelet (in their color of course). They were just finishing up lunch and then we gave everybody their cupcakes. They had a hard time letting us leave without them, which their teacher noticed, and she just told us that they were just going to go outside and play for the rest of the day if we wanted to take them home. The boys were super excited to leave and so we gathered their things and headed to Walmart to pick up some last minute items for their party the next day. My dad and brother made it on their flights that night but came in after the boys had already went to bed.

18th - Their birthday party went off really well. The boys woke up and heard my dad snoring in the adjoining room so G & J (E was sleeping with Mike & me) went off to investigate where the noise was coming from & then ran back to their room. They were excited to see grandpa and even found Andrew in another room. We had a good time at their party & Mike made balloon animals/shapes for the kids (I got a crown!).

19th - My dad had to leave because he had to be at work school on Monday & couldn't get out of it. We spent the rest of the day at the mall & just enjoying each other.

20th - We picked up the boys from school & we finally got to see them play outside! It was so cute to see them running around & I was impressed that they had big tricycles for them & G & E were busy riding a couple (they have over a dozen of tricycles).

21st - Mom and Andrew had to go home but we really enjoyed their visit & can't wait for the next time.

22nd - The boys took their first field trip and it was to Puddicombe Farms. It was so cold but at least we didn't have to be there the whole day. They did pretty well but at the end, they had to leave me and go back to school on the bus and that was hard but they did it.

23rd - We finally changed our garage doors! It was so exciting to get that done and they look beautiful.

29th - Unfortunately, the KC Royals didn't win the World Series but they put up a hell of a fight! Watching & cheering all the way from Canada made me so proud to be from KC!

31st - Halloween!!! With this, the school hosted a Move-A-Thon fundraiser. All the FDK were in the gym for an hour in their costumes, dancing along to music. It was so cute to see all these little guys dressed up! I was impressed with G and how outgoing he was. He danced almost the whole time. There was a little girl that kept following G around and they danced together & held hands. It was so cute! They were even wearing the same costume (batman/batgirl).
It was drizzling a little when the kids started out for trick-or-treating but not too bad & it let up eventually. I took the first leg and went north with the kids. G old just about everyone as soon as they opened the door that E was the Hulk. Once we got back to our house, Mike took them the other way & after they got to the T in the street, they were done and wanted to come home. They walked away with quite a loot!

Feels like the kids have been sick for most of this month & G or J has been home off and on at least once a week.
7th - G tells me that his throat hurts and he can't swallow & he has a little fever. I kept him home and took him to the walk-in the next day and surprise surprise, he has strep again. When he saw the meds the pharmacist was putting in the bag, he said "That medicine again?" Very observant, little one!

11th - Got one last day of good weather so the kids got to play in the leaves outside while daddy winterized everything. As they ran from the deck to the pile of leaves they shouted "Cannonball!!!"

13/14th - The kids had a scheduled PA day so Mike took the day off and we booked Fallsview Indoor Waterpark in Niagara. We took the kids out of school a little early on Thursday & headed to the falls. It was a total surprise and they had no idea. When we got to the hotel they thought we were just going to swim in the hotel pool and were getting upset when we went outside to head towards the park. Once we got in though, they were in much better spirits and were excited. E & J were not chicken and went down some of the big water slides (unfortunately they weren't tall enough to go on every slide but they still had a fair amount they could go on). G was a little chicken & wouldn't try even the short slides they had. The next day we were at the park by 10:30 and J got cold pretty quickly. It didn't feel as warm at first but once you got used to it it was good. At least the temperature inside the park was warm and you were comfortable in shorts or your suit. As we were waiting on the structure for Mike to come down one of the body slides, G left my side and went a floor below us and just went down the small yellow water slide by himself. I was so impressed, I couldn't believe that he chose to do it finally. Once he went once, he couldn't stop going! I would say he went down that slide about 50 times. He also tried the small green slide they had and I was impressed because part of that was in a tunnel. He wouldn't go on the bigger slides even though they were just a little longer but at least he tried the others. Bigger ones will come later ;) Maybe we'll go to a park where he can actually go down with us and he won't be so nervous.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Chugging Along...

Two whole days without a tear at the bus stop, woohoo! J actually gets excited to tell me bye from his seat. They still object a bit when they know they have to go again the next day (& have some cracking voices the night before about it) but when they wake up and are at the bus stop we are okay. My voice cracks a "little" as I wave and tell them bye, but at least my heart isn't hurting after.

I've been sort of productive in my days. I have had to do a few errands lately (which seem to eat up all my time!) but at least I'm getting out & enjoying these last of these nice days. I cleaned a lot of the house yesterday & today did a couple of errands & had time to do some crochet & go on a bike ride with Mike when he got home from work. We discovered two new parks & saw some "whoa big" houses that are close by. Who knows, maybe some stuff off the "to do" lists will get crossed off soon ;)

Monday, 8 September 2014

First Full Week of School!....

Welcome to our test week. Since the school staggered them in last week this is the first time the boys have had to go to school everyday (let alone 5 days in a row).

On Friday (first time getting on the bus by themselves to school), J had some mini meltdowns. He was fine in the morning, until it was time to put on our shoes to go to school. He started crying right then and all the way to the bus stop. The lady whose house we stand at is super nice (& her daughter helps direct my wee ones on the bus) went inside and got some tissues for all of us (I say all because he even got some of the other moms crying). When I asked him why he said because he was worried about me. What a great boy! He went on the bus anyway when it came (with the chapstick in his backpack) and would just turn around and between crying hiccups say "I love you mommy, I'll miss you". Ugh, I had a hard time keeping that together. They all sat side by side and the bus pulled away. My heart was torn.

Fast forward through the weekend (& some runny noses, bleh) & last night we had 2 in tears that didn't want to go (E & J). Not what I needed. I hoped by morning time they would be better. My hope was crumbled as I woke them them up & they immediately start crying after finding out they have to go to school. Being by myself in the morning is rough when I have wee ones crying & trying to get their lunches ready but somehow we pulled through this morning. I found 3 pictures in my purse that had their dad and me in them and asked who wanted what pic and then we put them in their backpacks. Whenever they wanted to "see" us they could just look at it. We brought tissues this time and they did pretty well. J looked back a little in line and said he'd miss me but without nearly the same amount of hiccups. E didn't cry at the bus stop but he had a frown on his face which I tried to distract out of him by showing him the crew that was working on the house next door. That cheered him up some (I also did much better and only had a slightly cracked voice instead of tears). When they came home later, they were in better spirits and they all said they had a good day. J said he got to play with playdough & they all got to paint (which is the main thing they all wanted to do at school). When it came time to go to bed and get our things ready for school the next day they replied with "I already went". So far G is the only one not really complaining but what I gather (my boys are not too talkative about school and I think I'm missing some key information on what they do share) is that he is actually playing with other kids while E & J are not. E & J are sitting during recess and acting miserable (which I think is weird because that's the time to run). I went to the school today to see what happened during recess (& hoped to see them) but I guess I wasn't on the right recess shift. I did see the little kids and big kids on the same playground (not the smaller one I envisioned) which made me happy. I also saw hundreds of kids just running around and chasing each other & hoped my 3 were doing the same but I guess not. Hopefully it continues to get better for them, especially once they have all the supplies in their room that they're supposed to have (like the sand box and water stuff that the other classrooms have).
front to back: J, E G

front to back: J, E, G
On a side note, the boys got new bikes on Friday! Their poor legs were just getting too long for their tricycles.

Wish us luck for tomorrow's bus stop!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

We Survived!!!

The first day of school is finally over and I'm happy to report we all survived!

I first started waking up around 6:15, worried that I'd oversleep or not have enough time to do everything. I would go back to sleep but would look at the clock every now & then. I finally got up at 7:10 and started getting myself ready for the morning. If we were taking them in the van I'd have to look semi-presentable at the school. G woke up after me all smiles. I asked him if he was ready to go to school and he said yes. I finished getting ready and then woke up the other 2. They were all smiley and happy that they were going to go. I got their lunches all ready & made everything fit. They ate all their breakfast and got dressed. We were early in getting ready so I was able to take a few pictures at the house. We even saw the kids getting on at their bus stop. Gaby started worrying that he wasn't going to school since he didn't get on the bus. I had to keep explaining that today was a special day & that mommy and daddy were going to take them so we could meet their teacher.

We finally piled in the van and were on our way! I asked if they were excited and all said yes. We found where all the other kindergartners were and waited patiently. They were still okay at this point. The problem came when the bell rang to go inside. Jacob had a meltdown. "No mommy don't go" "I don't wanna stay" "I'm done" (of course, all while screaming & tears in his eyes). I tried to calm him down and get him back in line but he wasn't having it. Luckily the other 2 were good and weren't really paying attention. I asked if I could help him get in his class and they said yes. This calmed him down some but he was still really nervous. I helped him in and after the anthem and prayer got his backpack hung up. He then went back to meltdown mode (especially since there was another little girl that was having one with her mommy too). I racked my brain for something that could calm him down and finally settled on giving him something of mine to hold on to. All I could find in my purse (that I would be willing to lose) was chapstick but it worked. I asked him to keep it in his pocket and if/when he was sad he could hold on to it and remember I love him. He calmed down enough to sit down with the other kids on the carpet. He looked back and I waved at him from the window & he waved back & seemed OK.

We drove home and relished in the quiet for a bit while we ate breakfast & filled in both grandmas as to what happened in the morning. We got ourselves ready for a day out on the lake since the weather was warm and we were kid free for 6 hours! We spent it at the Burlington/Hamilton Harborfront biking from one side to the other. We went from one side to the other (about 20km total) and then had lunch at Barangas. So happy for nice days!

They came home and were still in one piece as they came off the bus. Mike heard one of the girls from our neighborhood tell the boys that it was their turn to get off. I started asking them how their day was and E told me that Jacob whined because he missed mommy. I told him it was okay & that he'll get better the more he goes. I tried to ask them more and more what happened during their day and they didn't say much. J said he did "I spy with my little eyes" with his teacher. When I asked what they thought of the bus ride they collectively were in agreeance that it was great (J's exact words to be exact).

This is their first artwork for the fridge :)
The poem is so sweet:

The kissing hand poem
It's my first day of school, 
and I'm thinking of you.
I made this precious handprint, 
so you'll think of me too. 

On my first day of school, 
"The kissing hand" is what we read. 

It's about a raccoon named Chester, 
who did just as his parents said. 

Like the raccoon's first day of school,
I was scared and a little shy,
but because I thought of you,
I was brave and got by. 

All through the year, 
I'll make more things for you, 
so as I change and as I learn, 
you can share in the fun too!

All in all the main thing is that we survived. I know they know what to expect so I won't be as worried. They will always know that I am home waiting for them.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

To My 3 Little Monkey's Before You Start School...

Today is the last night before you go off to Junior Kindergarten tomorrow. As I watch some of our home movies from the times before you were one, I have mixed feelings.

I am super thrilled for all the new experiences you will have. I know you'll be great boys in the class and have a lot of fun playing with all the new toys and new friends that you will make. There are so many new things for you to learn; about the world; about yourselves. I know I can't keep you home forever. I know each of you will grow up so quickly now; especially with all the learning you'll do. I hope for all of you to find a good friend, outside of your brothers, too. You 3 have a very special bond & I don't think anyone can break it but it will be good for you to find your own friends too.
They Make Me Smile!

I'm trying not to be "sad". Really, I am. I try to focus on the positive & know this is the right step for you. It's been such fun being able to be home everyday for the past 3 1/2 (almost 4 years). I've seen all your "firsts" & will witness yet another "first" for all of you tomorrow. I'm just thinking of all those funny moments that I will be missing from now on (& can't get recorded!). I have to admit, that there were some trying days (today was actually one of them) where everyone took a turn being bratty or cranky or whiny & I was really looking forward to having some time to myself. And then I got the sweetest hugs & the sweetest kisses and all of that melted away.

Bottom line is...I Love You. I will be here for you always, whether you're in school or whether you're home. I can't wait to hear all the fun stories you're going to bring home.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Home Sweet Home..

Home almost a week from our vacation at grandma's. Lots of drama. So much so it made me question whether I want a baby girl. Guess that's what happens in a house full of girls! Even kids that were being watched were mostly girls. Thank goodness for my boys tipping the scales a bit in the other direction.

Visits were good but always way too short. I got to see my girlfriends a few times (always thankful for that!). It always centers me and gets me grounded. Venting is so important and healthy!!

The boys spent lots of quality time with my dad as he worked on the shed. They learned (& showed him) a lot about tools and tried to help as much as they could. They would light the fire at night & roasted some marshmallows. They really got to be grandpa's special helpers! I know he appreciated the time with them & they did too. They weren't as scared to do things this time around; more open to see & go inside of things (i.e. they finally weren't scared to go inside of the UPS airplane). They learned to swim with life vests on and were little daredevils and even jumping off the sides and going under the water at times.

We got to go to the zoo (although their hours are very short so we weren't there for long) and did a few things. E & G liked riding the camels & J really liked the boat & train ride (although ride was cut short).

We went to the Platte County Fair & to my surprise they enjoyed the rides and games. So much so that we took them to Chuck E Cheese & they loved it there too. I was pleasantly surprised to see how many more games there were. Toys are still kinda cheesy but at least you can upgrade and 1 penny equals one ticket. I looked up to see if we have some places here & at least there are a few. Nothing too terribly close but still, at least it exists around here. I found out about a train ride semi-close to my parents where a ride is only $.50 per person so we went on Saturday, August 9 & rode 3 times. We were going to go to Centre Island here but the weather is too cool this year (especially by the time we got back). Makes me sad...we only have so many months where warm weather is available & Mother Nature is making it cooler than it should be for this time of year. We took them back to Puddicombe Farms & rode the train so that helped ease the jiltedness of the zoo train.

As these days go by it just reminds me that they're headed to J/K soon. I've had my good days & bad days on this. I sat & watched some of their old videos yesterday & laughed/bawled at the same time. I just can't believe they were that little. Still makes me yearn for one sometimes. That innocence & wonder. I really do wonder what it would be like raising one little one.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

So Far So Good...

We're about a week into our trip and so far everything is going well. The boys love visiting grandma and all the craziness that comes with it.

Our trip started early Sat morning about 9:30. We made it over the border with relatively no problems except for a 40 min wait at the Ambassador Bridge. I got my cell phone unlocked so I wanted to get my new sim card as soon as I could just in case we needed to use it. We were able to meet my cousin for a few minutes to give her the clothes for her son at the grocery store where the wireless store was located, then we headed to lunch. A little break for everybody out of our chairs & then we were headed back into the van for the next part of our trip. We stopped one more time for gas then drove for another hour & found a McD's for the kids to play at and stretch some more. I was glad that they got out some of their craziness and then headed back in the van. I drove from here for a few hours & once we stopped for gas again & headed into MO then kept going until we needed more gas & a potty break then kept going straight. We made it at about 4 a.m. with little veering off the road. We saw a few deer but they were on the shoulder this time (unlike last summer when one was wandering the middle of the road slowly). We saw a opossum & few other animals but luckily none of them went under our wheels. My sis, brother & parents were awake & met us as soon as the van stopped. The boys were awake the last 30 min of the drive so they could find the house when it was time. The boys finally got back down to sleep after 5 & then hip hip hooray E woke up at 8:30 *groan*. My dad was awake so he insisted that he was okay to watch him & that I should go up and sleep & mom would be back from church soon. I tried. I turned a few times and then 10 min later G woke up. I came down with him & then was up until the next night.

We took them to play at the splash pad. It wasn't as warm as it could have been but they still enjoyed it. The water wasn't too cold since it was in the sun all day. Once they got cold they went into The Grove & had a blast. Luckily we didn't have too much going on today so they got to play for a while.

Monday, 23 June 2014


The next morning, E came in at 7 and asked me to cover him up in his bed. I did and then he didn't wake up until 8:30. Very unusual when he doesn't come into our bed, but when he is upset with one of us he can go most of the night without popping in. He woke up in a chipper mood and wasn't upset with me. I was still a little miffed and I was planning on putting my plan in motion. I was very curt with him & didn't talk too much except when he asked me questions. 

We came downstairs & I started doing a few other things (the other 2 were still sleeping) & he started working on his puzzle. He asked me to help & I told him no. I told him he could start by saying he was sorry for last night. I ended up going to sit beside him to chat. I asked if he loved me, he said yes. I asked if he liked it when I did things for him, he said yes. Does daddy do anything different from what mommy does at night, he said no. Then why do you get so upset when mommy sits; just came back with a blank stare. I told him that I loved him & I loved doing things for him & being there for him but it really hurt me when he yells at me or screams like that. I asked if he would try to be nicer when it was my turn to sit with him at night & he said yes. I also got kisses and hugs afterwards. I've sat for them twice since we had that talk & "knock on wood" it's been a lot better (like 180 degrees better). For now, I'll take it when I can get it & hopefully there are more good days than bad days ahead.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Who Knew 3 Year Olds Could Resort GrownUps to Tears...

So Elias has been super attached to his dad lately. Which isn't a bad thing. I remember being attached to my dad since I didn't get to see him all the time. I know he misses his daddy when he goes to work. I love their special bond with each other. Elias knows all the names of the tools & knows what they do. He will sit on his dads lap on Sat/Sun with the flyers & go through the names of the tools with Mike. 

My problem, however, is when he flat out refuses me in situations where he doesn't really get a choice. In those situation he screams & keeps crying until he gets his way but we stand as firm as we can & don't let him have his way. 

Tonight, for example. They all need Vicks on their chest (as we all have colds except daddy & Gaby's is as far gone as bronchitis) to help them breathe. I decided to be the one to rub it on their chest & E flat out refused me. I kept saying, only one of us does it & my hands are already dirty. "No! I want daddy to do it"(repeated about 20 times). Once Mike finished putting on Jacob's diaper, he came over and held E's hands back & I rubbed Vicks on his chest (while he was still asking for daddy). He didn't scream or cry just kept repeating his mantra (while we repeated ours).

Fast forward 5 minutes & we are tucking them in bed. Mike & I take turns sitting with them until they fall asleep. We've been doing this since they've been able to get out of their cribs. It was my turn to sit. I tucked in Gaby & Jacob & let them send a message to auntie via Heytell. Mike was calmly telling E that it was mommy's turn to sit and that he would be tomorrow. And the new mantra started. "I want daddy to sit". After a few minutes I just ignored him & didn't let him send a message to auntie since he wasn't being nice to mommy. He kept crying & screaming his mantra and we stood our ground. I tried to tell him to quiet down so that his brothers could sleep all the while telling him that daddy would be sitting tomorrow. Nope. Wouldn't have it. More crying & mantra. I couldn't take it. I picked him up, and put him in the spare room & told him if he didn't want me, he could just sleep in a different room all together, threw a blanket on him & left. I took my post back in the chair. A couple of minutes later he walks in (of course still crying but not screaming as loud) that he wants daddy. I said if he kept saying that he could just stay in the other room by himself. He climbed into bed and I just had tears. I asked him why didn't he love me? I'm with him all day & do everything for him when he asks. Why doesn't he want me? I'm not that horrible when it's my turn to sit. I don't do anything. I quiet them down & tell them to go to sleep, but it's nothing that daddy doesn't do. I find his toys, etc & play with him. 

Is it wrong of me to want to "show him" what it would be like to have mommy not be friendly? Maybe not play with him. Maybe not find the toy when he asks. Maybe not give him that special chocolate or let him go with me by himself to the store. It may hurt me when I look into his eyes. I love him so much & it kills me when he yells like he does. Will it backfire? Only time will tell...

First sleepover!!

On Sunday, June 8th, Elias kept asking his grandma if he could go to her house. His main focus to go was that he wanted to play with his grandpa's tool box. I told him he had to wait & we'd go later this week. He decided he wanted to spend the night. I was surprised that he was pushing that hard to sleep over. Whenever she asked him to stay before he was so adamant that it was no. We tried to explain that if he went daddy would pick him up the next day and that he couldn't cry at night for us because grandma couldn't bring him back. He said he understood & would even repeat what we said. Finally, after dinner I went upstairs & packed a small bag for him. The group got up to leave & when G & J saw daddy put a car seat inside grandma's van they lost it. Just kept saying Yaso couldn't go without them & that they wanted him. We tried to explain that he was sleeping at grandma's & wouldn't be back until tomorrow & if they left they couldn't cry & couldn't bring them at night. They swore they were okay & wanted to go. So I went back upstairs & packed as much I could think of that they would all need & be comfortable with. They took our van instead (since 3 car seats can't fit in theirs) & away they went. I was just shocked. I didn't know what to do with myself. I hoped they would be good. Wasn't sure how far they'd actually get. Mike guessed they'd get to the end of the subdivision ask to come back.

We just kind of looked at each other in shock. I didn't know what to do. The house was too quiet. Since we'd already had dinner & it was a Sunday night there weren't many "date" things we could do. They called us before bed and J was a little teary eyed saying he wanted to come home but grandma assured him daddy would pick him up the next day & I told him I'd see him tomorrow. I had a little hard time sleeping fully all night but woke up refreshed around 8. Stayed in bed & they called me again around 8:30. They were all in good spirits & all slept the night through!

The next day I found a few errands I've been meaning to do. I talked to them a couple of times & they were in great spirits & had eaten well. They went to the park with grandma & had some snacks. By the time daddy came to get them E & J said they didn't want to leave! They were all a little subdued by the time they came home (Mike said they were trying to take naps on the way).

All in all it was a very successful first time. It's nice that they did it on their own instead of a "have to" situation. Now whenever we "have to" they already know what it's like & it won't be such a big deal.

Proud of you boys!!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Live in nanny cont'd...

On Sunday, May 25 we went to the Harborfront Park in Hamilton for the Cystic Fibrosis walk. This is the 3rd year we have done the walk & every year, my sister, Angelina has come with us. Luckily it was a gorgeous day & the kids had fun. Mike had a visitation he had to go to after we got home. Ang & I took the kids out for a bike ride after lunch. Mike met up with us on roller blades & then we switched "vehicles". Ang & I got on bikes & put the kids in the strollers with Mike still on roller blades. Of course, they persuaded us to take a little detour to the park...

There was a fire engine on site & they let the kids come in & offered them coloring books. 

Had to beat up daddy with our new balloons

Group shot!

J didn't want to take a pic with the ladies...he's going to regret that later!

The ducky game. G & J got nerds & E ended up with a lollipop. It was so big they all ended up getting a lick. 

Monday, Ang had to leave. The boys were super sad & had a hard time dealing with the fact that auntie got out of the van & we had to leave her at the airport. They cried for at least 5 min on the way back to grandma's house. Luckily Ang had an easier time getting home than she did coming in. We've definitely missed having her here but we will see her very soon!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Live in nanny (a.k.a. auntie)...

Victoria Day Monday the boys got an awesome surprise. Their Auntie Angelina came up for a visit on Monday. It was a holiday day for us so Mike stayed at his parents to work & I packed up the boys & headed to the airport.

They had no idea what was coming. I collected them from the park that grandma took them to (once I was sure she was on her way & about to land) & just told them I had to take them with me because we had to get a surprise. They started asking what it was & I just told them it was a surprise & they'd see when we got there. As we got closer to the airport, I noticed that E was taking a catnap & the other 2 were just watching their videos. G noticed the airplanes but he didn't make the connection yet. As we got near the arrival part, E woke up & noticed where we were. I turned on the video camera on my phone, but didn't hold it (just stuck it in a cup holder); figured that way I could at least get their cute conversations on camera. As I went around they kept saying they really wanted auntie to be there & hoped we'd find her. We didn't find her the first time & she sent me a message saying her bag didn't come & she was just putting in a claim. As I made the drive out of arrivals the boys started yelling at me saying, "No mommy, you have to go back! We have to get auntie!" On the second round I saw her & put the windows down. E didn't notice her yet but as soon as she stepped to the van she peeked in & said "Hi boys" & then they couldn't stop talking!

The next morning the first thing on their minds was to wake up auntie. I didn't object & I knew she wouldn't either. The weather was kind of blah & we had to figure out when the bag was coming so we could pick it up. Rima also happened to be in town so we were going to visit her that night as well. Rima was super kind & decided she'd let the boys pick out their own toy at Toys R Us. That was quite interesting. Of course, they found lots of things they "needed" but in the end they did really well & each ended up with 1 toy & not many tears or screams.

Wednesday morning I awoke to a surprise. The boys were quiet & not in their beds. I got to sleep in for a bit & found them all downstairs with auntie. They woke her up this morning first instead of me! She had their workbooks out & were busy tracing & drawing. It was then that I fantasized about how wonderful it would be to have a live-in nanny. 

We decided to try a new learning center on Wed. They had a good time & even made us "pizza" & cupcakes. Later that night, we had to go to an info meeting for their kindergarten class :( I teared up during the whole presentation. The boys were good & stayed with auntie that night (first time!) and they watched a couple of movies and had dinner and popcorn. Mike & I got a look at their classrooms & I took pictures. When I showed it to them (they liked the indoor sandbox & water sink & paints & play dough) they were asking to go to school. 

We went to the library as usual on Thursday & Ang was so excited to see them sing; however, Gaby had other issues & decided to be angry during most of the songs. It was a gorgeous day so we went to the park with our friends & grabbed a pizza. The boys loved the park & the fact that it was close to the lake. Towards the end they were just grabbing rocks & throwing them in.

It was such a nice day we decided to try rollerblading by the "lighthouse". The weather got a little cooler ( :( ) and the boys were more interested in throwing rocks into the lake (since we did that earlier) but we went a little ways and then we succumbed & let them throw rocks into the lake for a bit then headed home. 

You want some?
On Friday it was raining & cloudy so we thought we'd take a little trip to the mall. The boys love elevators & escalators (now...they used to scream when we went in them when they were around 1-2 years old) & felt like doing some window shopping. We stopped for some ice cream & coffee along the way. Mike met us at the mall & kept the boys busy while we did more window shopping. They were so kind that they even carried our bags!

Started with haircuts

Saturday was a day of pampering for my sis. I didn't get to be there for her birthday so I took her out while Mike took our minions to his parents so he could help finish their walkway.

Then the winery & pedicures

Of course we had to get a birthday cake

To be continued...