Monday, 23 June 2014


The next morning, E came in at 7 and asked me to cover him up in his bed. I did and then he didn't wake up until 8:30. Very unusual when he doesn't come into our bed, but when he is upset with one of us he can go most of the night without popping in. He woke up in a chipper mood and wasn't upset with me. I was still a little miffed and I was planning on putting my plan in motion. I was very curt with him & didn't talk too much except when he asked me questions. 

We came downstairs & I started doing a few other things (the other 2 were still sleeping) & he started working on his puzzle. He asked me to help & I told him no. I told him he could start by saying he was sorry for last night. I ended up going to sit beside him to chat. I asked if he loved me, he said yes. I asked if he liked it when I did things for him, he said yes. Does daddy do anything different from what mommy does at night, he said no. Then why do you get so upset when mommy sits; just came back with a blank stare. I told him that I loved him & I loved doing things for him & being there for him but it really hurt me when he yells at me or screams like that. I asked if he would try to be nicer when it was my turn to sit with him at night & he said yes. I also got kisses and hugs afterwards. I've sat for them twice since we had that talk & "knock on wood" it's been a lot better (like 180 degrees better). For now, I'll take it when I can get it & hopefully there are more good days than bad days ahead.

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