Tuesday 2 September 2014

To My 3 Little Monkey's Before You Start School...

Today is the last night before you go off to Junior Kindergarten tomorrow. As I watch some of our home movies from the times before you were one, I have mixed feelings.

I am super thrilled for all the new experiences you will have. I know you'll be great boys in the class and have a lot of fun playing with all the new toys and new friends that you will make. There are so many new things for you to learn; about the world; about yourselves. I know I can't keep you home forever. I know each of you will grow up so quickly now; especially with all the learning you'll do. I hope for all of you to find a good friend, outside of your brothers, too. You 3 have a very special bond & I don't think anyone can break it but it will be good for you to find your own friends too.
They Make Me Smile!

I'm trying not to be "sad". Really, I am. I try to focus on the positive & know this is the right step for you. It's been such fun being able to be home everyday for the past 3 1/2 (almost 4 years). I've seen all your "firsts" & will witness yet another "first" for all of you tomorrow. I'm just thinking of all those funny moments that I will be missing from now on (& can't get recorded!). I have to admit, that there were some trying days (today was actually one of them) where everyone took a turn being bratty or cranky or whiny & I was really looking forward to having some time to myself. And then I got the sweetest hugs & the sweetest kisses and all of that melted away.

Bottom line is...I Love You. I will be here for you always, whether you're in school or whether you're home. I can't wait to hear all the fun stories you're going to bring home.

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