Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Weight of it All...

You get so excited to find out you're pregnant (especially when you've gone through infertility like we did). You have to gain weight. It's (usually) a sign that the baby is growing. After I found out I had 3 in my belly, it was a bit stressful. Not just thinking about after they were born but growing them too. I found out from the doctors that my calorie intake should be between 3000-4000 calories a day!! As soon as my co-workers found out we got some Coldstone that day & kept saying it was "for the babies".

I couldn't eat much though...I would eat half my meal & than the other half an hour or so later. It was too uncomfortable & too much in my stomach at once. As I got bigger I ate less and less at each meal; but more frequently through the day. I don't know if I ever hit the calorie mark but I didn't gain too much with my pregnancy & my boys were a decent size for being 6 weeks early & multiples. The doctor always made a comment in regards to their size. "They're growing as if they're they only one in there!" I guess with multiples usually one is a bit bigger than the other but luckily we didn't have that issue.

While breastfeeding I lost all my baby weight within a month of delivery & after pumping for 7 months, an additional 20 pounds. I hadn't been that weight since middle school. I even had to buy some new pants! I was thrilled & I tried to keep it off...unfortunately, that didn't stick. While at some point I probably was too thin for my size so it was a good thing to gain some of it back. I tried to do the Wii Fit while the boys napped but at some point that routine kind of stopped.

Now I'm over 30. Thirty-three to be exact. I've been up and down in my weight all my life but usually between the same amounts. Now, I'm the heaviest I'm ever been (about 15 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight). Clothes are bugging me. My body is uncomfortable. I've tried moving around a lot more but it's hard when you keep getting sick or you have little ones that are sick. It's hard work just scheduling one work out a week! I went to the doctor this week because something just doesn't feel right. The number just keeps going up. I've been moving more & keeping a food journal.  My doctor is having me do a blood test to check hormone & other levels. So we'll find out if it's really just me & metabolism or if it's other issues within my self.

This food journal has been good & my nemesis at the same time. I try writing everything down. There are times I think I want just one pepperette, but then I remember I'd have to write it down & that has stopped me. That's probably a very good thing. It is making me second guess my choices before I eat it...do I really need that?? I have also realized that I don't drink as much water as I should.

Hoping I have some answers shortly. In the meantime, I'll keep moving & keep drinking (water) & perhaps having a little less on my plates...

1 comment:

  1. Ugh...kids so worth it but the weight is so hard to lose! Maybe by the time they go off to college it'll be gone???
