Sunday, 17 November 2013


We've had a terrific long weekend! Mike was able to take his last days off & come with us to the library on Thursday. The boys were definitely excited to show dad what they do & what they know. We then proceeded to do a few errands with a stop at McD’s for lunch. Rest of the day consisted of errands & grocery shopping until it was time to go home for dinner.

Friday the boys played outside for a bit & also helped me clean some of the glass & windows. Loads of fun I know, but they seem to enjoy spraying & wiping so who am I judge? 

The weather was beautiful on Saturday & since we don’t have too many more days like this, the outdoor equipment needed to be put away. While we worked we encouraged the boys to take advantage of their trampoline since it was going to be put away. We talked to them about it beforehand so it wouldn't come as such a shock when it came down. Surprisingly, they took it well & didn't a fuss. They helped me rake leaves & then jumped in it. I grabbed the camera & got some great shots for the family calendars. I also got my Christmas cards ordered. I usually use Shutterfly but I got a flyer for Vistaprint which gave me free shipping off $30 or more & it saved me about $15 (before shipping charges were ever figured); I never get free shipping from Shutterfly :-( I am still getting my calendars printed from them though & just sucking up the shipping charges. 

Today was supposed to be rain, but we lucked out & the weather was beautiful!! The wind was even warm. It was an errand day for me & the boys got to play outside. 

I love productive weekends!