Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Weight of it All...

You get so excited to find out you're pregnant (especially when you've gone through infertility like we did). You have to gain weight. It's (usually) a sign that the baby is growing. After I found out I had 3 in my belly, it was a bit stressful. Not just thinking about after they were born but growing them too. I found out from the doctors that my calorie intake should be between 3000-4000 calories a day!! As soon as my co-workers found out we got some Coldstone that day & kept saying it was "for the babies".

I couldn't eat much though...I would eat half my meal & than the other half an hour or so later. It was too uncomfortable & too much in my stomach at once. As I got bigger I ate less and less at each meal; but more frequently through the day. I don't know if I ever hit the calorie mark but I didn't gain too much with my pregnancy & my boys were a decent size for being 6 weeks early & multiples. The doctor always made a comment in regards to their size. "They're growing as if they're they only one in there!" I guess with multiples usually one is a bit bigger than the other but luckily we didn't have that issue.

While breastfeeding I lost all my baby weight within a month of delivery & after pumping for 7 months, an additional 20 pounds. I hadn't been that weight since middle school. I even had to buy some new pants! I was thrilled & I tried to keep it off...unfortunately, that didn't stick. While at some point I probably was too thin for my size so it was a good thing to gain some of it back. I tried to do the Wii Fit while the boys napped but at some point that routine kind of stopped.

Now I'm over 30. Thirty-three to be exact. I've been up and down in my weight all my life but usually between the same amounts. Now, I'm the heaviest I'm ever been (about 15 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight). Clothes are bugging me. My body is uncomfortable. I've tried moving around a lot more but it's hard when you keep getting sick or you have little ones that are sick. It's hard work just scheduling one work out a week! I went to the doctor this week because something just doesn't feel right. The number just keeps going up. I've been moving more & keeping a food journal.  My doctor is having me do a blood test to check hormone & other levels. So we'll find out if it's really just me & metabolism or if it's other issues within my self.

This food journal has been good & my nemesis at the same time. I try writing everything down. There are times I think I want just one pepperette, but then I remember I'd have to write it down & that has stopped me. That's probably a very good thing. It is making me second guess my choices before I eat it...do I really need that?? I have also realized that I don't drink as much water as I should.

Hoping I have some answers shortly. In the meantime, I'll keep moving & keep drinking (water) & perhaps having a little less on my plates...

Friday, 22 November 2013


Everyone knows that once you have children the idea of sleep (or even a bigger shocker, sleeping in!) has to go out the window. Since the boys were old enough, Mike & I have taken turns on the weekend & one of us gets up with them at night (this person gets to sleep in) & the one that got to stay sleeping at night goes downstairs with them; waiting for the day when they would be willing to go down & just be quiet for a bit until we got up.

Today was the start of those dreams...Even though I needed to get up at a decent time to take the boys to the Early Learning Center at the church, I got to wake up in a relaxing way. J was already sleeping in my bed but the other 2 didn't come pouncing in & demanding I wake up. As I got up to go to the bathroom, I heard the sound of the TV on softly downstairs. I crept down & found E & G sitting on the sofa side by side, blankets on & in a discussion about one of the library books they were reading. They didn't see me so I backed up & prayed for my phone to finish starting up so I could take some video as it was too cute not to capture. J started coming down the stairs & I begged him to stay quiet. Luckily I got a few seconds of them being cute together before they noticed me.

I hope them going downstairs & entertaining themselves for a while is a trend they'll continue!

Sunday, 17 November 2013


We've had a terrific long weekend! Mike was able to take his last days off & come with us to the library on Thursday. The boys were definitely excited to show dad what they do & what they know. We then proceeded to do a few errands with a stop at McD’s for lunch. Rest of the day consisted of errands & grocery shopping until it was time to go home for dinner.

Friday the boys played outside for a bit & also helped me clean some of the glass & windows. Loads of fun I know, but they seem to enjoy spraying & wiping so who am I judge? 

The weather was beautiful on Saturday & since we don’t have too many more days like this, the outdoor equipment needed to be put away. While we worked we encouraged the boys to take advantage of their trampoline since it was going to be put away. We talked to them about it beforehand so it wouldn't come as such a shock when it came down. Surprisingly, they took it well & didn't a fuss. They helped me rake leaves & then jumped in it. I grabbed the camera & got some great shots for the family calendars. I also got my Christmas cards ordered. I usually use Shutterfly but I got a flyer for Vistaprint which gave me free shipping off $30 or more & it saved me about $15 (before shipping charges were ever figured); I never get free shipping from Shutterfly :-( I am still getting my calendars printed from them though & just sucking up the shipping charges. 

Today was supposed to be rain, but we lucked out & the weather was beautiful!! The wind was even warm. It was an errand day for me & the boys got to play outside. 

I love productive weekends!

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Our First Trip to the Dentist...

In some ways was worse than I expected & better than I expected. When we first arrived the receptionist (Phyllis) stood up to see them. They were a sight walking in with matching coats & umbrellas. As I started to fill out the new patient forms & G was called back. Dad went with him & the other 2 started getting upset that dad left. I told them they could follow & I finished up the forms fast. Much to both our surprise, G went into the chair all by himself. I figured he'd scream once the chair started moving back but nope! He opened his mouth very well for the hygienist & even let her scrape & polish his teeth!

The other 2 saw him being good but when I tried to get another one in the chair (in the room next door) they didn't want anything to do with it. I tried laying in the chair & J lay on me, nope. I tried letting the hygienist put the tools in my mouth first but that didn't work either. I even tried giving him the mirror so he can see inside my mouth, nope. E saw all this going on & when she asked if he wanted to get up instead, his reply was simply, "No fanks" ("no thanks" for those of you who don't speak "Elias") - at least he was polite about it.

After G was done he started picking out his toothbrush. This was exciting for all of them. The other 2 started asking for toothbrushes but we said they had to get their teeth cleaned first. Daddy took Elias to the other room & the dentist popped in & checked out G. Everything was good for the most part but he has a little bit of an overbite. Luckily, once daddy sat in the chair E sat on him & let the hygienist do her work. When G was finished we walked over to give E support. He was laying happily on his daddy while the hygienist was brushing & squirting water in his mouth (he loved the water squirting part actually). He finished up without any more hiccups & got to pick out his toothbrush. Finally, we got J in the seat. He laid on daddy & I held his hand while the hygienist cleaned his teeth. He did really well & soon got the hang of it. The doctor came to check out E so I went with him to the next room. His teeth are really good & there were no problems.

J got done & as soon as we said, "done" he asked for his toothbrush. Everyone got something different which is important so they don't get mixed up. Then the doctor came in & had to check his teeth but he didn't protest too much (he had just gotten his toothbrush so he had calmed down). Ah, the things we will do for the love of a new toothbrush!! Makes my life a little easier though...I can bribe them with simple things.