Monday, 24 March 2014


A few things have happened recently that have made me crack up laughing. I'm calling all of them Kidisms from now on (hoping I'll remember the title for future reference).

A few days ago we were Skyping with my parents & G & J were pushing against each other on the chair. J looked at G & said, "Gaby, don't piss me off". I couldn't believe he said it then I remembered that I do say that a bit. Such as, he's pissed off or don't piss him off. Guess I need to really watch what I say!

Today the boys came up and asked for snacks/candy. G asked for Reese's pieces. When he finished he started babbling about something broken (I guess there were a few broken pieces at the bottom). He said he wanted more, so I said, "More Reese's pieces?" to which he replied (with pointer finger in the air), "No mommy they have to be fixed!" I could barely explain the joke to Mike I was laughing so hard.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Great Strides 2014...

Come May we will be walking in the Great Strides Walk for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. We walk in honor of my best friend's 2 little girls that battle this disease every day. 

Cystic Fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children & young adults. There is NO CURE. It primarily affects the lungs & digestive system. The common cold can hospitalize a person with CF, the flu can become life-threatening. Each day contains breathing treatments, sanitizing like crazy & doing whatever they can to avoid getting sick. In the lungs, a build-up of thick mucus causes increasingly severe respiratory problems. Large quantities of digestive enzymes (avg 20 pills a day) must be consumed with every meal & snack just to absorb nutrients. CF is progressive, so it gets worse every year. They get sicker & sicker with time. Virtually all CF related deaths are due to lung disease.

Meet Sophia & Savannah Florio…
They are 4 ½ & 2 ½ & have to endure:
11 different medications up to 6 times a day (approx. 1080 pills a month, 495mL of liquid meds, 180 inhaled meds, 45 tsp of salt)

1.5 hours of treatment every day (when they are healthy, longer & more frequent when they have a cold) – to help get rid of the mucus in the lungs.

Average life of a CF'er – 37 years

These are the 2 cuties!!
Our team photo from the 2013 walk

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate! If you're interested in walking with us please let me know that too.

Thawing out...

We finally got some sunshine & temps above 0 degrees Celsius so we HAD to take advantage.

Of course, snow is still ever present & we were doing our best to make the piles smaller so they can melt.

Stay outside long enough & eventually daddy will make it home in time to play

Come spring time, G will be an expert at digging