Friday, 18 April 2014

Good Friday...

Today will go down as the first time we took our children to Mass. Yes, I know we should have been taking them for a while now, but the weekends were always our down time. One day, each of us gets to sleep in & take the kids in the morning while the other gets to sleep in. Being Good Friday, we decided we really needed to start going to our church as the boys will be going to school right beside (at least for the first few months until the other school is built) it. I am happy to report they did super well. As the priest was walking in, G decided he was going to announce to everyone that he likes to dance. We tried to keep them quiet & for the most part they used indoor voices & were very quiet. They had a children's liturgy & the boys went down to sit with everyone & then ran back up the aisle. We tried to get them to see that all the other kids were making their way to the alter & that it was okay to be there with everyone else. Maybe as they go more they'll get more comfortable with it. G sang the responsorial prayer & was repeating "Lord have mercy" in a singsong with the children's choir & congregation. At first he was only getting the "cy" part, but I started singing it closer to him & he was starting to get it. After he did it right, he threw his hands in the air & said "I did it!". A few people around us chuckled. They went up with us for communion & G turned around & didn't pay attention that I went to the left side & he stayed put. A few other women in the line turned him around and he finally saw me. All in all, the day went well & we will be headed back on Sunday!

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Stop Being a Chicken & Ask. I don't bite...

We cut (more accurately, Mike cut) the boys' hair last night. We got super lucky & even though E was freaking out initially he calmed down by the time it was his turn. No more crazy hair for a few weeks!

 We were very lucky this weekend & had pretty decent weather. Yesterday was a little cool, but I still kicked the boys outside to play. Mike "played" in his garage & organized some & cleaned up. I tried to go to the store by myself then ended up with 2 going. I got their "to go" shoes on while J sat on the couch & said, "Mommy, you'll come back?" I said, yes, I was just going to the supermarket for a minute & coming back. Then E had to open his big mouth & shout, " Jacob, want to come with us?" Oh vey. My 15 minutes of shopping turned into an hour; part of it was due to finding a friend & chatting for a bit, but still it took an hour. I can't complain too much about them, they are pretty good & let me get what I needed to. I always get looks in the store & a few people will be brave and approach me & ask about them, while others just look from afar & point. Stop being a chicken & ask me already...YES THEY ARE TRIPLETS.

Palm Sunday was supposed to be rainy but we got super lucky & it turned out to be a great day! We even got a little humidity & that made it feel a bit warmer. We went to Tim Horton's for some coffee & lunch & then got to play at the park for a bit & dinner at grandma's with a few selfies mixed in.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Enjoying the Sun...

It's finally gotten warm enough for us to be outside & enjoy some sunshine! Mike's birthday was Monday & we celebrated outside on Sunday.

Later we went outside & the boys love getting into daddy's tools!

Today we had a little picnic lunch outside as well as played "checkout" & riding our bikes
Watching an airplane in the sky

Side note: not sure if it's all 3 year old toddlers but for some reason mine all sound like they're from Brooklyn or New Jersey when they talk. Like "fwowr" for "floor" & "mowr" for "more". It's super cute now. I love listening to their conversations. They totally understand each other & for the most part, I can understand everything they say.  We'll see if it's here to stay or if they'll grow out of it.