Wednesday, 25 February 2015

6 months in....

Six months into the school year and E finally tells me this morning that he loves school! I'm sure that opinion will change day by day but at least we got one :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Snowmageddon 2015...

On Monday February 2 we got about a foot of snow between the night before and about 11 the next day. For this reason, many schools were closed and even some city offices. I was beyond thrilled not to get up as early since I'm still recovering from the small flu (last week) & (ongoing) sinus infection. Mike even stayed home from work. Our subdivision had many snow squalls on both sides of the street and I doubt any of us would have been able to get out of here.

Luckily, it wasn't as bitter cold in the afternoon and the winds finally died down enough so we could go shovel outside. Man oh man. It was high!

We can't get out!
We can barely lift our legs over this stuff...

At least it wasn't "wet" snow...this was pretty fluffy. Couldn't make snowballs or snowmen out of this snow!

Mommy, it looks like a wave!

Trying to see if they can touch the branches

Daddy made a slide!

Earlier in the morning

Later that day....